
Research Assistant – Exhibitions, Shrine of Remembrance – deadline 12th September 2013

Assistant Professor of Global Modern Art, University of California, Berkeley -Department of History of Art – deadline 1st October 2013


One- to three-month research residencies at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin − Preußischer Kulturbesitz (National Museums in Berlin − Prussian Cultural Heritage) – deadline 20th September 2013

Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, Residential Research Fellowships – deadline 15th October 2013

Historians of British Art Travel and Publication Funding – various deadlines

CAA International Travel Grants to attend the 2014 conference – deadline 15th November 2014

Calls for Papers

North Street Review – Arts and Visual Culture (peer-viewed annual publication for original and innovative postgraduate research in the field of Art History) – deadline not specified

Open Arts Journal – deadline not specified

Questioning the frame in the decorative systems of the modern era (Paris May, 2014) – deadline 15th October 2013


Henry of Blois and the Twelfth-Century Renaissance (edited book) (link to pdf) – deadline 15th September 2013

Visualising and Materialising Colonial Spaces: Female Responses to Empire (Warwick, January 2014) – deadline 31st October 2013

James Logan and the Networks of Atlantic Culture and Politics, 1699-1751 – deadline 30th September

London and the Americas 1492 – 1812 (Kingston University, London, July 2014) – deadline 1st October 2013

Pacific Coast Conference on British Studies (Riverside, California, March, 2014) – deadline 18th November 2013

Consensus politics and the new patronage: art and the postwar settlement, 1945-1979 (Middlesborough, UK, April 2014) – deadline 30th November 2013