The Intentionality of Spectatorship: Emotions in Art Galleries, Emotions in the Wild

Dr Penelope Woods, Research Associate, ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions

Dr Penelope Woods works on theatre audience research and early modern performance history. She is collaborating with UK and Australian theatres on research into audience emotion in theatre spectatorship today and developing our understanding of audience emotion in theatres in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. Penelope collaborated with Shakespeare’s Globe and Queen Mary, University of London on a PhD on spectatorship, reconstruction and audiences. She has a forthcoming chapter on seventeenth century audiences: “The Indoor Theatre Audience: Pity and Wonder” in Moving Shakespeare Indoors by Andrew Gurr and Farah Karim-Cooper and a forthcoming chapter on young audiences today: “The Shakespeare Audience” in Shakespeare in Practice: The Audience by Stephen Purcell.

Date: Wednesday 9th October, 1pm

Venue: The Linkway, 4th Floor, John Medley Building, University of Melbourne

All welcome!

Enquiries: Dr Felicity Harley-McGowan, Gerry Higgins Lecturer in Medieval Art History, & Undergraduate Coordinator, Art History, School of Culture and Communication, The University of Melbourne, VIC 3010,