Postgraduate students are invited to participate in exclusive Masterclasses led by the AAANZ 2013 conference Keynote Speakers, Professor David Joselit (Yale University), and Professor Paul Wood (Open University, London). David Joselit’s Masterclass focuses on Art in the Age of Big Data, C. 2013, and Irit Rogoff’s Masterclass will examine Conceptual Art and Conceptualism. Both Masterclasses will be held on Saturday 7 December at the Ian Potter Museum of Art. Supervisors who consider their students’ research/study is relevant to the Masterclass, are encouraged to invite their students to apply. Visit the link below for further information and application procedure. Applications close Friday 8 November.

PAUL WOOD MASTERCLASS |  Conceptual Art and Conceptualism

The legacy of Conceptual art is both pervasive and yet contested. It has been called the hinge between the past and the present. For some it effectively initiates contemporary art. For others that is to exhibit a misunderstanding of what Conceptual art stood for. From yet another point of view it symbolises all that is wrong with the art of our time. This workshop is going to consider different views of Conceptual art, both historically in relation to modernism, but also in relation to the diverse forms of contemporary art often called ‘Conceptualism’.

Paul Wood is Senior Lecturer in Art History at the Open University, England. He is co-editor, with Charles Harrison and Jason Gaiger, of the three-volume Art in Theory, an anthology of changing ideas about art from the founding of the Academy to the end of the twentieth century (Blackwell, 1992-2003). He is the author of Conceptual Art (Tate Publishing, 2002) and Western Art and the Wider World (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013).

Date: 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM, Saturday 7th December

Venue: Multifunction Room, Ian Potter Museum of Art, University of Melbourne

David Joselit Masterclass | Art in the Age of Big Data, c. 2013

Information has always been political, but with the rise of Big Data in intelligence operations, activists like Edward Snowden and groups like Wikileaks have made it clear that political sovereignty now means control over vast reserves of data—an asset that companies like Walmart and Google have long understood. Since the late 1960s, with the advent of conceptual art as truly global style, art has also allied itself to information. Under these new conditions we must ask ourselves, “What is art in the age of Big Data”?

Date: 2:45 PM – 4:45 PM,  Saturday 7 December

Venue: Multifunction Room, Ian Potter Museum of Art, University of Melbourne

Application Procedure

Please email the following in one Word Document by Friday 8 November to

  • Your full-name, institution, contact email address and the masterclass you are applying for.
  • 150-word outlining your project and relevance of the workshop to your research.
  • If you have been referred to partake in a masterclass by your supervisor or equivalent, please attach a supporting letter with your application.