Hannah Bertram | The 24 hour Drawing Project

Saturday 1st March 10am – 8pm: Hannah Bertram and Jenny Hector create a new Drawing Project at BLINDSIDE


The 24 Hour Drawing Project is an event in which artists start and finish a work of art in a continuous 24 hour period. Hannah Bertram has co-curated and participated in nine of these projects and is now exhibiting a selection of works produced during previous events. At the core of the event is an exploration of intensive effort, attention to process, action and time.

From 10am until 8pm on Saturday 1 March you are invited to view Hannah Bertram and Jenny Hector create a new 24hr drawing project.

Time: 10am-8pm Saturday 8th March

Venue: BLINDSIDE Gallery, Level 7, Room 14, Nicholas Building, 37 Swanston Street, Melbourne VIC 3000