The editors of EMAJ (e-melbourne art journal) are now calling for articles to be submitted for EMAJ 8 to be published in November 2014.

EMAJ welcomes monographic articles about specific artists or art collectives as well as thematic or theoretical analyses of art history from any historical period. Established and emerging researchers working within the fields of art history, architectural history, curatorship, politics and aesthetics, visual culture, philosophy, historiography and museum studies are encouraged to submit.

See previous editions here.

Manuscripts must be submitted by email to as word documents (.doc) only.

Articles can be between 5000-10000 words in length (if shorter or longer please email the editors to discuss your article before submitting) and accompanied by:

  • a 200 word abstract
  • a brief biographical statement

For more information and our style guide see

Deadline 31st March 2014

CFP available online here.