Jobs and Fellowships

Gordon Darling Graduate Intern at the National Gallery of Australia – deadline 20th March 2014

Head of Curatorial, National Gallery of Victoria – deadline 21st March 2014

Bard Graduate Center Research Fellowship – deadline 15th April 2014

Conservation Fellow, Textiles, National Gallery of Victoria – deadline 17th March 2014

Calls for Papers

EMAJ (electronic Melbourne art journal) issue 8 – open call for papers – deadline 31st March 2014

The Third Annual International Conference in Paragone Studies (September, 2014, Québec City, Canada) – deadline 1st April 2014

Creatures of Comfort: 1650–1950 (September, 2014, Houston, Texas) – deadline 1st May 2014

Nationalisms in Art (Barcelona, October 2014)- deadline April 20, 2014

Romantik. Journal for the Study of Romanticisms, vol. 3 ‘Renegotiations of Romanticism’ – deadline 1st June 2014

Studies in Visual Arts and Communication – an international journal – new journal call for papers – no deadline specified.

Contemporaneity: Historical Presence in Visual Culture (journal) – deadline 30th September 2014