
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore – Postgraduate/Postdoctoral Positions in Early Modern/Medieval European History – deadline end of June.

Postdoctoral Fellowship  (or more senior appointment) in Medieval Art or Architectural History, Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University – no specified deadline applications to be reviewed until position is filled.

Festival Curator at the Art Gallery of South Australia for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Visual Arts Festival (click on all vacancies to see details) – deadline  11th April 2014

Senior Lecturer/Lecturer in History of Philosophy or Philosophy of Art, University of Sheffield – deadline 13th April

Pre-doctoral assistant and pre-doctoral fellowships at the Kunsthistorisches Institut on the project The Nomos of images. Manifestation and Iconology of Law – deadline 17th April 2014

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martins (Fixed term contract for two years, 0.5 FTE) – deadline 1st May 2014

Funding and Prizes

Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Science (CHASS) prizes to honour distinguished achievement by Australian academics, practitioners, philanthropists and policy makers in HASS (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences) areas – nomination deadline 30th June 2014

Prizes and travelling scholarships for artists from the Art Gallery of NSW – various deadlines

SAH/Mellon Author Awards to provide financial relief to scholars who are publishing their first monograph on the history of the built environment – deadline 1st June 2014

Calls for Papers

The Art of Ritual: Object, Image and Space in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (space for two PhD presenters to give 30 minute papers) – deadline 31st March 2014

Call for participation for CAA conference 2015 (New York, February 2015) – deadline 9th May 2014

The Anthroposcene : Artists and Writers in Critical Dialogue with Nature and Ecosystems (workshop at ANU, June 2014) – deadline 30th March 2014

Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeaness Exposed to Plural Observers (Athens, May, 2014) – deadline for panels 15th March 2014, deadline for paper proposals 11th April 2014

Art in Transfer: Curatorial practices and transnational strategies in the Era of Pop (Stockholm November 6-8, 2014) – deadline 15th April 2014

Artists’ homes in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era (11-14 Jun 15)- deadline 31st August 2014

Cultural Analytics, Information Aesthetics (Lüneburg, 4-5 Jul 14) – deadline 21st April 2014

Admired as well as overlooked beauty (Brno, 3 Oct 14) – deadline 15th June 2014

Man and Environment in Early Modern Cities (Vienna, September 2014) – deadline 31st March 2014