Research on prints: students give presentations on their recent research into aspects of print culture

You are invited to attend a half-day symposium at the University of Melbourne, as part of the public program accompanying the current exhibition – Radicals, Slayers, Villains: Prints from the Baillieu Library.

The symposium showcases recent research undertaken by postgraduate students in the School of Culture and Communication into prints and print culture.

Date: Tuesday  27 May 2014, 9.00 am – 1.00 pm

Venue: Leigh Scott Room, First Floor, Baillieu Library

This event is free, but you are requested to register your attendance at:


Louise Box (MA Art Curatorship) | Print production, profit and the market for woodcuts: Albrecht Dürer and the ‘marketing mix’

Kathleen Kiernan (PhD Art History) | Mapping the Landscape: The transition of the landscape aesthetic through prints from seventeenth-century Holland to eighteenth-century England

Kim Clayton-Greene (PhD Art History) | A Tale of Two Rivers: James McNeill Whistler’s Thames Set and early prints of the Yarra River

Rebecca Edwards (PhD Art History) | ‘A little etching class upstairs’: Frank Brangwyn’s printmaking class at the London School of Art

Eugene von Barilo Reisberg (PhD Art History) | Marketing Winterhalter: Portrait Prints in the Nineteenth Century