ANZ Journal of Art Call for Papers  | Australian & New Zealand Journal of Art
Issue 2, 2015

Editors: Dr Jacqueline Millner, University of Sydney; Dr Georgina Cole, National Art School; and Dr Catriona Moore, University of Sydney

Deadline 30th January 2015

Art and Feminism: Twenty-first century perspectives

Feminism is re-emerging as a key critical strategy in art practice, art theory and curating. This is partly due to growing acknowledgement of continuing gender imbalance in institutional representation, despite rhetoric to the contrary, and to a new generation of theorists and practitioners awakening to the rich legacy of feminist theory and practice. But it is also a response to the foundational significance of feminist insights to the most topical issues of our times, including the ethics of the relationship between the subject and the state, environmental justice and sustainability, Indigenous rights, and the social impact of emergent media technologies.

This special issue calls on scholars working across historical, modern and contemporary art who are informed by feminist perspectives. This might be by way of engaging with new materialism and intersectional studies, as well as more traditional art-historical reconceptualisation. We are looking to identify the innovative ways artists, historians/theorists, and curators are using feminism to inform their research, and how this is developing feminist discourse — including artworks and exhibitions — in the twenty-first century. Our interest is also in uncovering different strategies and methods of curating, art-making and theory that address feminist concerns, such as continuing gender imbalances in the canon, and the prevalence of hierarchical models of knowledge-creation, be they curatorial or pedagogical. We have a particular interest in the burgeoning field of curatorial studies, and are keen to test the proposition that the more dynamic feminist inquiry and activism in the visual arts is taking place in the museum/gallery rather than in the academy.
Guidelines for submission
Articles must be between 5,000 and 7,000 words (including endnotes) and should be suitable for a scholarly peer-reviewed journal.

See the ANZJA submission guidelines for further details. Submissions not conforming to the guidelines will not be considered.

Papers, biographical information and images, should be submitted to the ANZJA Editorial Assistant at: by 30 January 2015.

Journal Aims and Scope
The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art is published by the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand. AAANZ is Australia’s professional body for art and design historians, arts writers, artists, students of art history and theory, and museum professionals. The ANZJA is Australasia’s principal refereed art-history journal. The Journal is dedicated to the study of art history and its various emanations including art practice, theory and exhibition.

Editorial Board
Professor Mark Ledbury, University of Sydney
Dr Donna West Brett, University of Sydney
Dr Keith Broadfoot, University of Sydney
Dr Georgina Cole, National Art School
Professor Peter McNeil, University of Technology Sydney
Dr Jacqueline Millner, University of Sydney