An announcement from the Power Institute at the University of Sydney that a new museum will be built to display the University’s collections of art, archaeology and science.

From the Power Institute

Power is delighted to announce that plan to develop and build a new museum to unify and display the University’s rich collections in art, science and archaeology, has been officially approved. This will be a transformational project for all of us who research and teach art history, curating and museum studies here on campus. For Power, we believe it is a significant step forward for improving public access and engagement with the arts, and we will be supporting David Ellis, Ann Stephen and the team at the University Museums service as they raise the funds necessary to make the project a reality.

If you’d like to know more, or indeed to help us in our fundraising mission, we’d be extremely happy to hear from you. Indeed it’s an excellent project to get behind over the coming year not only as it will support the expansion of new exhibition spaces to display more of the University’s art collections (including Power’s), but also as it will facilitate the construction of new teaching and public engagement spaces, collectively offering increased visibility for the arts on campus.