MRELAYIn a sports relay, a team covers a distance in turns—a baton passing from one runner to the next. MRelay is an intellectual team sport bringing together leading thinkers, philosophers, fashionistas, mavericks, activists, provocateurs, architects and doyennesto share insights and ideas throughout a marathon conversation relay on Saturday 31 January 2015 from 11am to 11pm.

Speakers from diverse fields will participate in rapid conversations (interviewing a fellow guest for 15 minutes, and then another for 15 minutes) to form a 12-hour chain reaction of ideas, murmurings and proclamations.The conversations will revolve around Pavilions, Intimate Publics, Dreaming and Nocturne.

Audiences can attend at any point of MRelay—you can pop in for 30 minutes to see someone in particular or, if you’re game, join the marathon and stay the whole day. It’ll be fast-paced, urgent and exhilarating, and after 118 days and over 200 events, what better way to celebrate this wonderful inaugural MPavilion, than with an epic talkfest!

RSVP on Facebook here and don’t forget to use #mrelay when posting about the event.


MRelay is curated by Natalie King and Kelly Fliedner | MRelay is made possible by the Faculty of the VCA and MCM’s New Initiatives Fund, supported by the State Government through Creative Victoria.