face-colab-bannerThe face is one of the most intense sites for the expression and communication of emotion. That intensity generates millions of representations of the face, in a range of textual, dramatic, visual, cinematic and material forms. This collaboratory will bring together research on representations of the expressive face, from the medieval to the modern world, from illumination and early print culture through to contemporary graphic novels, non-fiction and cinema. Speakers will consider how images of the face make meaning and communicate emotion, and will focus particularly on the question of facial hermeneutics: how do we read and interpret faces, whether they appear to us in visual, textual or cinematic form? The collaboratory will also consider the relation between the human and the non-human, with particular focus on the animal face, the monstrous or demonic face, and the machine face.

Confirmed speakers:     
Professor James Simpson, Harvard University
Professor Conrad Rudolph, University of California, Riverside
Professor Jennifer Wawrzinek, Freie Universität Berlin

Full program here: http://www.historyofemotions.org.au/events/reading-the-face-image,-text-and-emotion.aspx

Date: 2-4 June 2015
Venue: Macmahon Ball Theatre Old Arts, The University of Melbourne
Convenor: Professor Stephanie Trigg, The University of Melbourne

Registration: $30 full registration, $20 student & concession

Register online here