Deadline: 28th August 2015

The Annual Conference of the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand will be held in Brisbane, Queensland, 24-25 November 2015. The conference venue will be Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) and is hosted by The Brisbane Consortium for Visual Arts (a collaboration between art history/theory departments at The University of QueenslandQueensland University of Technology and Queensland College of ArtGriffith University and QAGOMA).

Sessions will run for one and a half hours, and will generally include three twenty-minute papers, each followed by ten minutes of questions and discussion. Session convenors will tailor the session to best address the concerns set out in the session abstract and with acknowledgement of the conference theme, Image | Space | Body.

Download the full list of sessions here (pdf).

Download the Session Participation Proposal form here (doc).

Proposals for papers must be sent to the session convenors listed with each session abstract, not to AAANZ or the Organising Committee. Where contact details are given for more than one convenor, proposals for that session and correspondence should be sent to all those listed.

See the AAANZ website for further details and follow AAANZ on Facebook to stay up-to-date with news about the 2015 conference.

For general conference enquiries please contact the conference organising committee