Alexander Roslin Swedish 1718–1793 Portrait of Catherine II 1776–77 oil on canvas 271.0 x 189.5 cm The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg Acquired, 1918 (Inv. № ГЭ-1316)
Alexander Roslin, Swedish 1718–1793, Portrait of Catherine II, 1776–77, oil on canvas, 271.0 x 189.5 cm, The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg Acquired, 1918 (Inv. № ГЭ-1316)

Catherine and her art collection played a vital role defining Russian nationhood in a time of drastic social, political and cultural changes. Even now, the State Hermitage Museum’s exquisite collection and iconic architecture is linked to understandings of Russian identity. Join visiting international and Australian specialists as they explore the relationship between art collections, the buildings that house them, nationhood and cultural identity.


Senior Curator Maria Menshikova, Department of Oriental Art and Culture of the State Hermitage Museum

Assistant Professor Tijana Vujosevic, University of Western Australia; and Professor

Professor Jennifer Milam, University of Sydney.

Date: Saturday 1st August, 2–5pm

Venue: NGV International, Ground level, Clemenger BBDO Auditorium

Tickets: $30 academic, student and concession / $35 Adult / $28 NGV Member, includes light refreshments

Book online at