ilmInternational Conference, July 21-23rd 2016, University of Adelaide, Australia

The ‘Ilm conference will bring together a broad group of scholars, artists, designers, curators, practitioners, and higher degree researchers across the fields of Islamic intellectual history, history and theory of Islamic art and architecture, history of Islamic science, and Islamic studies to address key issues of concern and to highlight points of intersection between science, religion, and the arts?It invites reflections and discussion on the idea of ‘ilm in pre-, early-, and post-modern Isalmic cultures, and how ‘ilm is engaged with and experienced by Muslim communities today. What are the practices, territories, and histories of ilm? How does ‘ilm continue to shape Islam’s [ast, present, and future within the Muslims’ lands and beyond?

Proposals for papers and posters are invited.

Convened by Samer Akkach (University of Adelaide, Centre for Asian and Middle Eastern Architecture), Sam Bowker (Charles Sturt University, School of Communication and Creative Industries) and Sahar Amer (University of Sydney, School of Languages and Cultures).

Proposals for papers or posters are due by 15 December 2015.

All proposals should be sent to

For further information see the conference website: