iDARE – Call for Papers Creative Arts Research and the Ethics of Innovation
Conference Date: 27th – 28th September, 2016
Venue: VCA and MCM Southbank campus, 234 St Kilda Road, SOUTHBANK
We invite you to submit a proposal for iDARE—Innovation in Design and Art Research Ethics—a conference that asks you to tackle the burning “ethical” issues for contemporary artists, designers and performers working in the academy and beyond. The conference aims to generate robust discussion around the relationship between ethics and creative practice research. It will showcase and test innovative pedagogical approaches to ethics education and training in the area of PhDs in creative practice in a quest to foster the development of ethically informed research cultures in the creative and performing arts and design. This conference is part of an OLT Funded Project, Developing new approaches to ethics and research integrity training through challenges posed by Creative Practice Research
Submissions to the conference may address one or a number of the following prompts:
- Critical theory responses to institutional ethics and creative practice research
- Overviews and critical reporting of creative research practices and ethical processes
- Ethics and creative research practice methodologies
- Ethics and creative practice partnerships, with individuals, with communities, with institutions
- Ethical pedagogies, models and examples
- Agency and identity of creative practice researchers in relation to ethics
- Ethics and governance of research in the creative practices
- Ethical actions: the participatory audience as collaborators
You may also propose you own prompt within the conference theme of Creative Arts Research and the Ethics of Innovation.
Submission types
The conference is developing two approaches to presentations to respond to the themes. Please submit a proposal of no more than 250 words by Monday 9th May 2016. You will be notified of the outcome to your submission to the iDARE conference on Monday 16th May 2016.
Paper presentation
Firstly, concurrent sessions of traditional conference panel presentations with three speakers of 20 minutes, with 10 minutes of question time in concurrent panels that is peer reviewed, themed, and developed for online publication on the project’s website or proposed special issue of a publication.
Activity forums
The second approach tests and showcases innovative approaches to ethics and may involve the opportunity for performances or exhibitions of creative work. It is a space where creative practice research and pedagogical activities can be presented that addresses the interface of the research project and ethics as a working forum. This may include activities such as ethics initiatives and experimental pedagogical approaches to be workshopped with a group of HDR candidates, academic supervisors and ethics administrators and managers. This work may be further developed by its facilitators and collaborators and published as a part of the conference proceedings or special issue as pedagogical models and responses to models. This activity presentation may also include creative practice research work in development for discussion and workshopping to be later developed as case studies to be published on the project’s website. Activities forums can be planned for 50 minutes and should include time for discussion, reflection and/or debate.
Review criteria
Each submission to the conference will be double-blind peer reviewed according to the following criteria:
It responds and contributes to the conference theme;
It is connected to, and in conversation with, appropriate scholarly literature;
It demonstrates how and why it is of interest to the intended audience.
It is well written;
It includes details of technical requirements if performance or exhibition elements are involved;
It has the necessary ethical clearance if it involves audience participation.
Key dates:
CfP – opening: Monday 7th of March
CfP – closing: Monday 9th May 2016
CfP – notification of acceptance to the iDARE conference: Monday 16th May 2016
iDARE Conference Dates – 27th – 28th September, 2016
Deadline: Please submit a proposal of no more than 250 words by Monday 9th May 2016.
Send by email to with the subject line: IDARE_Abstract_lastnameand please indicate whether your submission is a conference paper or activity forum.
Download the CFP here: iDARE2016_CFPv2
(This CfP has an extended deadline of Monday 9th May 2016, and superseeds the previous deadline.)