Co-hosted by the Transformative Technologies Research Unit (University of Melbourne) & Flinders University, this symposium examines developments in various technologies and their relationship to history.
The keynote speaker for the event is Lori Emerson, Associate Professor with a split appointment in the Department of English and the Intermedia Arts, Writing, and Performance Program at the University of Colorado at Boulder. She is also Director of the Media Archaeology Lab and writes about media poetics as well as the history of computing, media archaeology, media theory, and digital humanities. Lori Emerson will discuss her current book project titledOther Network – a network archaeology of the history of telecommunications networks that pre-date the Internet or exist outside of the Internet.
Session titles include:
- History, Materiality and Digital (Re)Imaging
- Being Digital in the 1980s
- Media Archaeology: the Technological Present and its Histories
Date: 9am – 5:30pm
Venue: Alan Gilbert-G21 [Theatre 1] Alan Gilbert Building
Free. Website:
(Click on the presentation titles below to go to the abstracts and information about the speakers)
10.00-10.10: Welcome
10.10-11.15: Keynote
Othernet, Alternet, Darknet – Associate Professor Lori Emerson (University of Colorado)
11.15-11.45: Coffee break
11.45-1.15: History, Materiality and Digital (Re)Imaging
Digitalising the Roman Campagna – Lisa Beaven
Feeling flow, training technology: the dialectics of digital movement – Rachel Fensham
A Ribbon of Calcium: an Archaeology of Color and Movement across celluloid and digital – Wendy Haslem
1.15-2.15: Lunch Break
2.15-3.45: Being Digital in the 1980s
Online User Culture and Korea’s H-mail – Dongwon Jo
Art, Maths, Electronics and Micros: Convergence and divergence in the work of Stan Ostoja-Kotkowski – Melanie Swalwell & Maria Garda
3.45-4.00: Coffee break
4.00-5.30: Media Archaeology: the Technological Present and its Histories
The videogame as a machine for perception – Dan Golding
From Edo karakuri ningyo to C21st Japanese Robots – Angela Ndalianis
Close enough is not good enough: Digital intolerance and the demise of the analogue – Robert Hassan
Co-hosted by the Transformative Technologies Research Unit (University of Melbourne) & Flinders University. Lori Emerson is visiting Australia in association with Melanie Swalwell’s Future Fellowship project. Thanks to Flinders University for their support.
What is the actual date for this event?
Hi Irina it was June 2nd – apologies that the date was missing, an oversight on my part.