The ARC Centre for the History of Emotions (CHE) invites applications from Australian-based researchers, without tenured or continuing academic employment, to undertake three- or six-month Short-Term Project-to-Publication Research Fellowships in the history of emotions.

Successful applicants will undertake to research, write and submit for publication before 30 September 2017 significant new material on the history of emotions. The fellowships may be used for existing projects which are in advanced stages, or for new projects. Funding is available to support a stipend and eligible expenses including, but not limited to, travel for research purposes; accommodation in research locations; and other expenses incurred in obtaining research materials and publication preparation.

To be eligible, projects must be related to one or more of CHE’s four research Programs, though not necessarily to the period 1100–1800, and must involve plans for active participation in one or more of CHE’s five research Nodes, including the offer of research papers based on the project to the appropriate Node(s) near the beginning and at the conclusion of the Fellowship.

Deadline 31st July 2016
