AAANZ-banner2016_mThe call for papers for the 2016 AAANZ Conference is now open – the deadline is August 26th 2016.

The Annual Conference of the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand will be held in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, 1–3 December 2016. The conference will be based at the Australian National University, with additional events hosted by the National Gallery of Australia and the National Portrait Gallery. Sessions will be 90 minutes with the expectation that each session will comprise 3 x 20 minute papers, followed by 10 minutes of questions, discussion, and commentary (except where noted otherwise in the session abstract).

Session convenors will manage their designated session, prior to and during the conference, with the aim of best addressing the conference theme The Work of Art. Proposals for papers must be sent to the Session Convenors listed on each session abstract below. Please do not send your abstracts to AAANZ the AAANZ 2016 Conference Committee.

Some sessions have indicated that they already have the required number of speakers and these are listed as full in the session abstracts.

Proposals should be received by Session Convenors by Friday August 26 2016.


General guidelines for speakers

1. Speakers may apply to present only one paper. Speakers may also convene a session and may also chair another session in which they do not otherwise participate.

2. A paper that has been published or presented previously may not be delivered at the AAANZ Annual Conference.

3. Acceptance in a session implies a commitment to attend that session, participate in person, and to pay the appropriate fees (which includes conference registration and AAANZ membership).

4. Acceptance in a session implies a commitment to present a 20-minute paper at that session. (If applying for the plenary or a roundtable session please see specific requirements for these sessions with the session abstracts).

5. In order to present a paper in a session, individuals must complete and sign the Speaker Agreement Form, and return this form to their Session Convenor/s by 16 September 2016.

Please find information about confirmed sessions, guidelines for how to submit a proposal, and the relevant speaker proposal and agreement forms below.

AAANZ2016_Call for Papers guidelines and confirmed session abstracts (pdf 1.4 Mb)