Sadeler, Aegidius II (unknown copier) Mountain landscape with hermit (1590-1620) etching Bailieu Library, Marion and David Adams Collection © Reproduction enquiries should be forwarded to the Baillieu Library
Sadeler, Aegidius II (unknown copier), Mountain landscape with hermit (1590-1620), etching, Bailieu Library, Marion and David Adams Collection, © Reproduction enquiries should be forwarded to the Baillieu Library

Apologies for the short notice – for Italian speakers interested in prints there is a talk in Italian at the Baillieu library tomorrow by Angelo Lo Conte.
Date: Friday 19 Aug 2016, 11.00- 12.00pm

Venue: Baillieu Library, Leigh Scott Room
Presented at the Baillieu Library in Italia

Please join us for a series of talks which offer an immersive language experience with specialist art historians.This program will be presented at the Baillieu Library in Italian.

Moving ideas: ancient ruins and mystic landscapes in the Baillieu Library’s print collection

This seminar investigates the essential role played by prints in the circulation of ideas, discoveries and emotions in seventeenth century Europe, understanding them as a visual bridge between Northern and Southern European culture. By looking at works by artists such as Hieronymus Cock, Aegidius Sadeler and Giovanni Battista Piranesi, the paper highlights how prints shaped the European awareness towards archaeological conservation and environmental problems, resulting as a medium expressing a wave of positive thought ori¬ginated from the scientific revolution.

Dr Angelo Lo Conte is Endeavour Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Melbourne. He studied in Naples, Milan, Jyväskylä and Melbourne, publishing both in English and Italian. Angelo presented papers in Oxford, Melbourne, Brisbane and Milan. His first book, Guida all’arte medievale in Finlandia, was published in December 2014.

Muovere idee: antiche rovine e paesaggi mistici nella collezione di stampe della Baillieu Library

L’intervento analizza il fondamentale ruolo avuto dalle stampe artistiche nella diffusione di idee nell’Europa del diciassettesimo secolo. Attraverso l’analisi di lavori di Hieronymus Cock, Aegidius Sadeler e Giovanni Battista Piranesi, lo studio ripercorre come queste immagini hanno influenzato il dibattito intorno a temi come la conservazione di beni archeologici e il rapporto tra uomo e ambiente, favorendo lo sviluppo di una nuova interpretazione del mondo che affonda le sue radici nel progresso e nella rivoluzione scientifica.

Angelo Lo Conte è Endeavour Postdoctoral Fellow presso l’Università di Melbourne. Laureato presso le Università di Napoli, Milano, Jyväskylä e Melbourne, pubblica sia in inglese sia in italiano. Angelo ha presentato le sue ricerche  ad Oxford, Melbourne, Brisbane e Milano. Il suo primo libro, Guida all’arte medievale in Finlandia, è stato pubblicato nel Dicembre 2014.
Language: Italian
Coordinator: Dr Olivia Meehan, Curator of Academic Programs