hybrid-worlds-banner-imageAs part of the RMIT Gallery exhibition Morbid Artis: Diseases of the Arts, RMIT Gallery, the 2016 Ursula Hoff Contemporary Art Lecture four speakers will address the challenges of identity, culture and interspecies relationships in today’s ‘super connected’ global society.

Date: 22nd November 5:30pm

Venue: RMIT Storey Hall Lecture Theatre, Level 1, 336-348 Swanston Street

Free but register herehttps://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/hybrid-worlds-when-art-and-science-collide-tickets-28881964734


Dr Drew Berry, biomedical animator at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. You might know Drew’s work fromthe music videos he’s made for Bjork. Drew’s work features in the RMIT Gallery exhibition Morbis Artis: Diseases of the Arts(17 November  2016 – 18 February 2017).

Dr Jonathan Duckworth, Director of the Creative Interventions Art. and Rehabilitative Technology lab (CiART).  Vice Chancellor’s Research Fellow in the School of Media and Communication at RMIT University and recipient of the 2016 RMIT Award for Research Impact – Early Career Researcher (Design). Jonathan works at the junction of art and science, using his background as an architect to design virtual environments for patients. He has designed two highly successful projects called Elements and Resonance funded by the Australia Research Council and Australia Council for the Arts. Both works provide a medium for rehabilitation of movement and cognition for individuals with an acquired brain injury. Elements was recognised for its design innovation as a recipient of the 2015 Victorian Premier’s Design Award and 2016 Good Design Award.

Professor Angela Ndalianis is Professor in Screen Studies and Director of the Transformative Technologies Research Unit at the University of Melbourne. Her publications include The Horror Sensorium: Media and the SensesNeo-baroque Aesthetics and Contemporary EntertainmentScience Fiction Experiences and the edited collection The Contemporary Comic Book Superhero. Her current research explores the important role played by entertainment media in the advancement of robotics.

Professor Kim Vincs is the Director of the Deakin Motion.Lab, Deakin University’s motion capture studio and performance technology research centre. Her research brings together scientific, technological and artistic methodologies to develop new ways of creating dance performance.