twma630TarraWarra Museum of Art annual OPEN WEEKEND Saturday 10 – Sunday 11 December 2016, 11.00pm to 5.00pm   

TarraWarra Museum of Art will host its second annual Open Weekend, welcoming visitors with free entry to the Museum and the rare opportunity to picnic in the Museum’s beautiful grounds.

The Open Weekend features FREE ENTRY to the TarraWarra Museum of Art summer feature exhibition, The Sculpture of Bronwyn Oliver  and stimulating indoor and outdoor creative activities inspired by this exhibition.

Sculpture workshops

Saturday 10th 11am to 4pm Patterns in Nature 1 with Kate James and Clare James

Healesville-based artists Clare James and Kate James will led visitors in the communal creation of a series of sculptural ‘shelter spaces’ inspired by The Sculpture of Bronwyn Oliver exhibition which reference the natural world, with a focus on the themes of shelter and protection in works such as Home of a Curling Bird. the artists will work with visitors to wave and bind natural materials including ornamental grasses, sticks, stones and reeds, with raffia and string made from natural fibres, to build an organic ‘village’ under the trees lining TarraWarra’s driveway.

Sunday 11 December, 11am to 4pm Patterns in Nature 2 with Paul Sonsie

Healesville-based artist Paul Sonsie will lead the weekend’s second workshop, inviting visitors to join him in an exploration of natural forms inspired by the works in The Sculpture of Bronwyn Oliver.  Working with large and small sections of chicken wire painted bright pruple, green, orange and red, Paul will collaborate in the creation of individual abstract sculptures which can be joined together to make a large, communal work.

There will Pop-up talks on The Sculpture of Bronwyn Oliver exhibition by the Museum’s curator Anthony Fitzpatrick and volunteers. TarraWarra Trail tours exploring the natural history of the property.

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