Julie Shiels, Zipped away with zilch to say 1987, colour screenprint. Courtesy of the State Library of Victoria

Convenor: Roger Butler AM, Senior Curator of Australian Prints and Drawings, NGA

Speakers: Exhibiting artists Carole Wilson, Dianna Wells, Nicholas Mau, Wendy Black, Julie Sheils

Join Roger Butler and some of the artists exhibiting in the exhibition for a discussion of the power of this community art movement as a mode of social commentary and how they went about designing and printing posters, pamphlets, postcards, t-shirts, banners and fabric to disseminate their views.

Don’t Be Too Polite: Posters and activism features works by printmaking collectives Redletter Community Workshop Inc. (1977-1991), Another Planet Posters (1985-1991) and Red Planet Inc. (1992-2001) spanning from the early eighties to the mid-nineties.

The prints reflect community engagement and concerns for the socio-political and changing economic environment of the late twentieth century. Producing timely and significant works in response to nuclear testing, shifting social norms, a growing awareness of the environment, immigration and economic and social rights, many of which, are still relevant today.

Date: Saturday 21 January 1—2pm

Venue: Ian Potter Museum of Art, Swanston St, The University of Melbourne

Free, all welcome. For more information and RSVP here.
