The AAANZ Conference Committee would like to invite proposals for panel sessions for the AAANZ 2017 Conference in Perth.
The deadline for session proposals is COB Monday 22 May 2017
Please see the submission instructions below. All enquiries to
This year’s conference theme Art and its Directions is broadly conceived against the backdrop of debates relating to national sovereignty and globalisation. Rather than purely a focus on politically based art in this context, we turn to the question of directions in art, where directions refer both to geography and chronology. The aim is to investigate artistic production and exchange in relation to the geographical, conceptual and imaginative relationships between north, south, east and west, so as to encompass discussion of transnational and global art histories; and the binaries of centre and periphery, modern and traditional. The theme takes account of the conference location in Western Australia – ranging from perceptions of the west to its distinct collections, and history.
There is also focus upon how art objects and art practices exist in different spatial and temporal contexts. This may include discussion of the mobility of objects and the materials of art, and of curatorial practices relating to the display of works of art.
Convenors of panel sessions might consider subject areas such as:
- The theorising of geographies in relation to art
- Art and the changing history of place
- Landscapes, travel and the sensory dimension of place
- Heritage, nostalgia and anachronism in art
- Contemporary curatorial practice and its global aspects
- Indigenous art and cultural objects in their original settings and in the museum
- The legacy of colonialism in historical and contemporary art practice
- Emigré and refugee artists, and cross-cultural exchange
- Representations of the cosmos, and the mapping of sea and land in Aboriginal art
- Aboriginal rock art and cross-cultural encounters
- Art and cartography, navigation, travel and trade
- The translocation of art through commercial forces and war
- The mobility of images in the digital age, including the role of photography
- The space of the studio and its relation to the outer world
Session Format
- Conference sessions are timetabled for three 20 minute papers plus 10 minute questions, totalling 90 minutes
- Alternative formats may be proposed, such as round table or open discussions providing that they can be accommodated by the timetable structure
- On Wednesday 6 December there will be a dedicated Postgraduate Day for presentation of papers from current postgraduate students and those who have completed postgraduate study within the last eighteen months. These papers do not need to relate to the conference theme. The call for postgraduate papers will open on 17 June 2017
- Postgraduate students are also eligible to propose conference sessions and papers in other sessions
Submission Process
- Panel session proposals are to include: name and email address of the session convenor(s); institutional affiliation; session title; a brief abstract (of no more than 250 words) that describes the session and how it fits with the conference theme
- Email session proposals, attention Conference Administrator
- The deadline for session proposals isCOB Monday 22 May 2017
- Session convenors are required to be active members of AAANZ at the time of the conference and will be asked to renew or register for membership upon acceptance of their panel proposal
- Session convenors will be notified of the acceptance of their proposed session on or before13 June 2017
- Call for papers for sessions will open on17 June 2017
- Session convenors are expected to administer all enquiries and correspondence relating to their session in consultation with the conference committee
Please address all correspondence to the Conference Administrator, Vyonne Walker,