Ding Yanyong, Painting in Painting n.d
Collection of Hong Kong Museum of Art

Ding Yanyong’s Guangzhou/Hong Kong: A Forgotten History of Modern Chinese Art that Straddles the Year 1949

Date: Wednesday 9 Aug 2017, 12.00- 1.30pm

Venie: Ian Potter Museum of Art

A lecture presented by Cai Tao with translation by Claire Roberts

This talk will focus on the cross-disciplinary artistic practice developed by Ding Yanyong (1902-1978) in Guangzhou and Hong Kong in the period after the end of the Sino-Japanese War. Owing to the fact that Ding moved to Hong Kong after 1949, viewers in mainland Chinese remain unfamiliar with this talented avant-garde artist. Using works by Ding Yanyong from collections in Australia, Hong Kong and elsewhere, the talk will reconsider the artist’s life experience and, drawing on perspectives from modern East Asian art history, examine the pathways of modern art opened up by Ding Yanyong, Guan Liang, Tan Huamu and other Cantonese artists who studied in Japan.


本次讲座聚焦于丁衍庸(1902-1978) 抗战之后在广州和香港之间展开的跨媒介艺术实践——由于1949年后移居香港,迄至今日,中国大陆的观众对这位有着极高成就的艺术先锋人物仍感陌生。讲座将结合澳洲、香港等地收藏的丁衍庸作品,回顾这位艺术家的传奇经历,并从东亚近代美术史的角度,来解读丁衍庸和关良、谭华牧等几位粤籍留日艺术家所共同开辟的现代艺术之路。


*This talk will be presented in Chinese with translation by Claire Roberts, Associate Professor, Art History and ARC Future Fellow in the School of Culture and Communication.

Dr Cai Tao, Associate Professor, Art History Research Institute, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, was formerly a curator at the Guangdong Museum of Art. His research interests include modern art and artistic flows between China and Japan, war and visual culture, the art history of New China.

Dr Claire Roberts, Associate Professor, Art History and ARC Future Fellow, in the School of Culture and Communication.

Dr Cai Tao’s visit is supported by Claire Roberts’ ARC Future Fellowship project ‘Re-configuring the World: China. Art. Agency. 1900s to Now‘, the School of Communication and Culture, Faculty of Arts and the Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne.

Website: http://www.art-museum.unimelb.edu.au/public-programs/current-events/prgm-date/2017-08-09/prgm/ding-yanyong-s-guangzhou-hong-kong-a-forgotten-history-of-modern-chinese-art-that-straddles-the-year-1949

Language: Mandarin with translation

Contact: Dr Olivia Meehan, Curator of Academic Programs
