Date: Thursday 10 Aug 2017, 6.00- 7.30pm

Venue: Ian Potter Museum of Art, University of Melbourne

Join us for a lecture on the exhibition ‘Modern Chinese Painters in the Traditional Style’, held at the University Art Gallery, Melbourne in 1974, an early and rather impressive effort to promote the appreciation of Chinese painting in Australia.

The exhibition crossed boundaries in bringing together those in Australia with an interest in and knowledge of Chinese art to share their understandings with a wider public. At a pivotal moment in Australia’s changing relationship with China it reflected a fragile but evolving cultural eco system that developed from the efforts of a discerning group of citizens with strong links to the University.

Followed by refreshments.

Claire Roberts is an historian of Chinese art and a curator. She is Associate Professor, Art History and ARC Future Fellow in the School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne. She has published widely on Chinese art and visual and material culture, and curated numerous exhibitions.