In a series of illustrated presentations, curators and historians speak on a chosen artwork from Brave New World: Australia 1930s, concluding with a walk through of the exhibition hosted by co-curators Dr Isobel Crombie and Elena Taylor.


Dr Isobel Crombie, Assistant Director, Curatorial and Collection Management, NGV
on Max Dupain’s Sunbaker (1938)

Prof Rachel Fensham, Professor of Dance and Theatre, University of Melbourne
on Andre’s Sonia Revid posing against a wall (1934)

Dr Caroline Butler-Bowdon, Director of Strategy and Engagement, Sydney Living Museums on Grace Cossington Smith’s The Bridge in-curve (1930)

Myles Russell-Cook, Curator, Indigenous Art, NGV on Percy Leason’s Thomas Foster (1934)

Elena Taylor, Curator of Art, University of New South Wales on Danila Vassilieff’s Street scene with graffiti (1938)

Date: SAT 16 SEP, 10AM–1.30PM

Venue: NGV Australia

$28 M / $35 A / $32 C, includes exhibition admission

More information and bookings via the NGV website: