'The Anatomy Class at the École des Beaux-Arts': a painting by François Sallé

The Centre for Art History and Art Theory in the School of Art and Design at the Australian National University is hosting a one-day symposium devoted to emerging scholarship in the Visual Medical Humanities presented in-person and live online via Zoom.

Thursday 22 July 2021, 9.00am – 5.00pm (AEDT)
Conference Room 1.02, Sir Rowland Wilson Building, Australian National University.

An online keynote address Tales of the unbeautiful: The Elephant Man as modern fable by Dr Suzannah Biernoff (Birkbeck) will be held at 6pm (AEDT) the evening prior, Wednesday 21 July 2021.

Symposium presenters:

  • Claire Hooker, University of Sydney: Paint the Pain: Exploring Theoretical Bases from the Medical Humanities to the Applied Arts.
  • Nicole Sully, University of Queensland: Aesthetic Headaches and the Transformation of the Art Museum.
  • Vahri McKenzie, University of Canberra: Sketching the Sweet Spot: Visual Arts in ADF ARRTS Programme.
  • Micaela Pattison, Australian National University: The Visual Archive of a Eugenic Modern Girl from Interwar Spain.
  • Natasha Fijn, Australian National University: Visualising Mongolian Medicinal Knowledge.
  • Katie Sutton, Australian National University, and Birgit Lang, University of Melbourne: The Ethics of the Visual Turn: Experts and their Subjects in fin-de-siecle Sexology and Criminology.
  • Fae Brauer, University of East London: Exposing the Venereal Peril: Fournier’s Syphilography and Picasso’s Syphilitic Bodies.
  • Elizabeth Stephens, University of Queensland: The Incubator Babies of Coney Island: Science, Spectacle and Sentimentality in the American Amusement Park.
  • Nina Sellars, Harry Brookes Allen Museum of Anatomy and Pathology, University of Melbourne: The Delinquent Museum: The Art of Offending Well.
  • Erica Seccombe, Australian National University: Hospitals, Community and Nature.

This event will be capped so registration is required. Please register your attendance by COB Friday 16 July 2021.

Register here for the symposium on Thursday 22 July 2021: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/visualising-the-medical-humanities-a-symposium-tickets-157581603819.

Register here for the keynote from Dr. Suzannah Biernoff on Wednesday 21 July 2021: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/tales-of-the-unbeautiful-the-elephant-man-as-modern-fable-tickets-161460194789.

Zoom available for audience members. Link will be provided closer to event date.