A new multimodal series will explore under-examined questions at the intersection of visual culture and subjects such as race, decolonization, and privilege
Together, the MIT Press and the Brown University Library announce the launch of On Seeing, an experiment in multimodal publishing that will shape new conversations about how we see, comprehend, and participate in visual culture. Uniting the Press’s global publishing experience and the Library’s digital publication expertise, the series will examine understudied questions at the intersection of visual culture and subjects such as race, care, decolonization, privilege, and precarity.
While the visual environment has always been central to meaning-making, technology has shifted its global stakes. In today’s world, there is greater access and exposure to visual culture than ever before—outpacing society’s ability to reflect upon its impact. The diverse authors of On Seeing will investigate the ways that power relations are often inscribed in the visual and they will develop knowledge about how visuality is related to equity and justice.
More information here: https://mitpress.mit.edu/blog/mit-press-and-brown-university-library-launch-seeing-book-series-committed-centering