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The call for session, workshop, and presentation submissions for the CAA 112th Annual Conference (AC2024) is now until April 25, 2023.

The CAA Annual Conference is the largest professional convening of art historians, artists, designers, curators, and visual art professionals. Each year we offer sessions submitted by our members, committees, and affiliated societies. These submissions drive the content of the conference. The Annual Conference Committee & Council of Readers review hundreds of submissions annually, taking into account subject areas and themes that arise from proposals to present as diverse a program as possible.

All CAA Annual Conference participants (chair, presenter, and/or discussant) must be current CAA members. Not a current CAA member? You can still submit during this Call for Proposals period, but if your proposal is accepted, you must join CAA as an individual member within 90 days of receiving notification of acceptance.

Note for CAA Committees and Affiliated Societies: Though Committees and Affiliated Societies receive a guaranteed at each CAA Annual Conference, proposals for these guaranteed sessions must be submitted using the submissions portal during the March 15–April 25 Call for Proposals period in order to participate in the AC2024 ConferenceAll participation rules apply. 

The Annual Conference is scheduled to take place in Chicago, IL and online February 14 –17, 2024. CAA leadership, in collaboration with the Annual Conference Committee, is reviewing participant and attendee feedback from the 111th Annual Conference to determine any format changes needed for the 2024 program. Updates will be communicated as they become available. 

Submit your session, workshop, or presentation proposals for the CAA 112th Annual Conference by April 25, 2023!

See the CAA website for further information: