Title: The 2023 Serle Lecture – History + Design + Art: the evolution of the house museum in Australia
Speaker: Dr Alison Inglis
Date: 10 September 2023 3.00 pm
Venue: Villa Alba, 44 Walmer Street, Kew, Victoria
Abstract: Dr Alison Inglis will offer an art historian’s perspective on the evolution of the house museum in Australia. Why did we begin to preserve historic houses in this country and why do we continue to value them today? Taking as its starting point the pioneering publication by Terence Lane and Jessie Serle – Australians at home : a documentary history of Australian domestic interiors from 1788 to 1914 – Alison will examine the growing interest in historic houses and interiors during the twentieth century before considering the various reasons behind the rising number and diversity of Australian house museums over the last two decades.

The lecture will be followed by refreshments in Villa Alba’s parterre garden or the Vestibule depending on the weather.