About MAJ

Editorial Board

Lisa Beaven (University of Sydney)

Dagmar Eichberger (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)

Ann Galbally (University of Melbourne)

Robert W. Gaston (University of Melbourne)

Alison Inglis (University of Melbourne)

Margaret Manion  (University of Melbourne)

David R. Marshall  (University of Melbourne)

Richard Read (University of  Western Australia)

Richard E. Spear  (University of Maryland)

Mark Stocker (University of Otago)

Gerard Vaughan, (University of Melbourne)


David R. Marshall


The Daytopia Press

PO Box 273, Daylesford, Victoria, 3460, Australia

ISSN 1329-9441

Focus and Scope

Melbourne Art Journal (MAJ) is an art history journal based in Melbourne. It is dedicated to publishing art historical research of the highest quality, from the medieval period to the twentieth century, with a focus on European and Australian art. It has a particular interest in connections between Australia and Europe. This may take the form of articles written by art historians based in Australia and New Zealand  on European topics, and topics in Australian or New Zealand art history that deal with the relationship between Australia or New Zealand and  Europe. MAJ is produced in the first instance in hard copy, to the highest production standards: recent issues have been in full colour. This is because MAJ exists to do justice to significant scholarly research that engages closely with the visual. MAJ has been an annual journal since its inception in 1997, but has shifted to biennial publication and to themed issues. It has an “A” rating in the Australian government ERA ranking for scholarly journals.

Peer Review

MAJ articles are peer-reviewed. Normally the reports of two reviewers are solicited. The reviewers are chosen for their specialist expertise in the topic area, and are normally senior university academics. Members of the editorial board may also be solicited for reviews. Referees are informed of the identity of the author, but authors are not informed of the referee’s identity. Referees are asked to judge whether the contribution is of the highest academic standard and makes a significant contribution to the discipline area, and whether it should be published. If the contribution meets these criteria, they are asked to provide detailed feedback about ways in which the contribution could be improved. The editor’s decision is final. Contributors may be asked to revise the contribution in line with the editor’s recommendations prior to refereeing. Because of the themed nature of future issues, contributions in the first instance will be solicited, and then a call for papers that fit within the defined theme will be announced (see the MAJ website). There is no set length for contributions, although these normally range from 3000 to 6000 words (not including footnotes).


Note that MAJ does not receive unsolicited manuscripts, but welcomes expressions of interest for publication of scholarly work that falls within the brief outlined above. Issues will have set themes and calls for proposals for future issues will be notified on the page Forthcoming Issues and in a post on the Melbourne Art Network homepage. If the proposal is deemed suitable in theme and scope to the relevant issue the full manuscript will be called for and subjected to the refereeing and reviewing process.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions are accepted for refereeing according to the following guidelines.

1. Authors wishing to contribute to MAJ should first contact the editor with an abstract and a proposal (david.marshall@unimelb.edu.au). Initial revisions may be requested by the editor before manuscripts are sent to referees.

2. The submission must not have been previously published, nor be before another journal for consideration (unless an explanation has been provided and accepted).

3. The submission file is in Microsoft Word or RTF format. The file should include at the beginning: the name and contact details of the author; a 50 word biography of the author; 100 word abstract; a list of illustrations; the text with live footnotes.

4. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the  MAJ Style Guide which can be downloaded in pdf form here. (Note that the Style Guide will be revised shortly.)

5. Illustrations will be provided, in the first instance, as low resolution (ca. 1500 pixels wide) digital files (JPEG format) ar as a separate Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) document (not a Word file with images inserted). On request, the author will provide high resolution files, normally 3000 plus pixels wide, TIFF format. These must be original files provided by a museum or digital photographs, not scans from books..


[copyright details about MAJ will be forthcoming on this site]

Copyright permission for images and any costs involved are the responsibility of the author. The cost of image rights is to be born by the author. Images cannot be accepted without being accompanied by signed copies of agreements with the copyright owners. Copyright permissions may include both hard-copy (one language, one country, rights, as well as electronic rights.

Author Copies

MAJ articles may be published in the first instance as a printed journal, edited book, or in electronic form. Published authors receive 5 printed copies of the Journal where appropriate.

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