Call for Papers: Art on the Street

The Korean Society of Art Theories, Seoul, KOREA

October 24, 2010

We seek to build upon the recent discussion on public art and community by investigating specific examples of the practices of contemporary art inparticular contexts. We pay attention to the way in which the process of creation, perception, and reception of the artwork relates to the formation of a community. We invite papers on mural projects, site-specific urban planning projects, parks, public monuments, and other types of community-oriented projects. Discussions on a project or network of activities that form relationships among participants and a public are also encouraged. At the same time, we hope to explore artistic practices that resist or negotiate in terms of everyday life, localization, globalization, and social and cultural structures. We also encourage papers that revisit the issue of memory of community. While proposing art as potential means of collective empowerment, we aim to investigate art that invokes or produces a community. All perspectives and methodologies are welcome.

Successful applicants who would deliver the paper at the conference will receive USD 1000 to help defray travel expenses. Accommodation at the Guest House on campus will be provided. Since Gwangju Biennale 2010 will be held from September 3 to November 7, it would be a good opportunity to make a journey to Gwangju during the visit to Korea. The speakers are encouraged to submit the paper to the Journal of Art Theory & Practice.

Successful applicants who would be unable to make a trip to Korea and deliver the paper are also encouraged to submit the paper to the Journal of Art Theory & Practice, which will be published in December 2010. JATP is a peer-reviewed journal published twice per year by the Korean Society of Art Theories. Please indicate your preference upon submission of the proposal.

Please send an abstract (about 400 words) and a CV (including institutional affiliation and contact information) by June 25 to The conference committee will determine the speakers and reply to all applicants by July 25.