Early Modern Circle Paper

“Disasters in print in early modern Europe”

A meeting of the Early Modern Circle for 2010 will take place TONIGHT Monday 20 September at 6.15pm in the Tutorial room, ground floor, Baillieu Library, the University of Melbourne. We will hear short papers by Jenny Spinks and Charles Zika on the topic of their work related to their ARC Discovery project “Reading the signs: disaster, apocalypse and demonology in European print culture, 1450-1700” (also held with Prof Sue Broomhall). See the ARC website here – http://earlymoderndisaster.wordpress.com/

Please come along for a drink and a stimulating discussion of early modern research. We welcome a gold coin donation towards drinks on the night. A group may go to dinner in Lygon Street afterwards.

All Welcome

For details of upcoming papers please see the Early Modern Circle website: http://www.amems.unimelb.edu.au/seminars/earlymoderncircle.html