Getty Research Institute Fellowships 2011-2012
Theme – Artistic Practice
Deadline for applications November 1 2010.
Artists mobilize a variety of intellectual, organizational, technological, and physical resources to create their work. This scholar year will delve into the ways in which artists receive, work with, and transmit ideas and images in various cultural traditions.
At the Getty Research Institute, scholars will pay particular attention to the material manifestations of memory and imagination in the form of sketchbooks, notebooks, pattern books, and model books. How do notes, remarks, written and drawn observations reveal the creative process? In times and places where such media were not in use, what practices were developed to give ideas material form?
In the ancient world, artists left traces of their creative process in a variety of media, but many questions remain for scholars in residence at the Getty Villa: What was the role of prototypes such as casts and models; what was their relationship to finished works? How were artists trained and workshops structured? How did techniques and styles travel?
An interdisciplinary investigation among art historians and other specialists in the humanities will lead to a richer understanding of artistic practice.
Detailed instructions, application forms, complete theme statement and additional information are available online at
Address inquiries to:
Attn: (Type of Grant)
The Getty Foundation
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90049-1685 USA
Phone: 310 440.7374