Call for Papers

The 59th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America

4–6 April 2013, San Diego

Call for Papers: Submission Deadline: 15 June 2012

The Program Committee welcomes submissions for individual papers or panels on any aspect of Renaissance studies, or the era ca. 1300–1650.

You need not be a member of RSA to submit a proposal, but if your paper is accepted you must become a member and register for the conference. Proposals will be evaluated by the Program Committee for their original scholarly contribution to an aspect of the field.

For full details on how to submit a paper see the RSA San Diego webpage

General principles

1. Each proposed paper must include: author’s name, email, and affiliation; paper title; abstract (150-word maximum); keywords; and a one-page curriculum vitae.

2. Proposals may be submitted by individual scholars, by RSA Discipline Representatives, or by Representatives of Associate Organizations.

3. Only individuals may submit single papers, and they may submit one such proposal. Representatives of Disciplines and Associate Organizations submit complete sessions only.

4. Any given Discipline Representative or Associate Organization may submit up to five sponsored sessions. Sessions submitted for Disciplines and Associate Organizations may be submitted only by the recognized Representatives of those groups. To identify the representative for your Associate Organization, please review your group’s listing on our Associate Organizations page.

5. Any individual scholar may submit up to five sessions for review by the Program Committee.

6. Most sessions are composed of three 20-minute papers, but other formats, including roundtable discussions, will be considered as well. All sessions, including roundtables, must have a chair; a respondent is optional.

7. While a given person may serve as organizer or chair of more than one session, any one conference participant may submit only one paper for consideration, and may present one time in a single session at any annual meeting.

8. An individual may not chair a panel in which he or she is a presenter.

To organize or submit to a session

Members who wish to organize a session by posting a call for papers may post to four RSA blogs set up for this purpose. There is a blog for history sessions, one for art history sessions, one for literature sessions, and a fourth blog for interdisciplinary sessions and all other disciplines.

You may cross-post your CFP to as many of these blogs as you wish. You must be signed in to RSA to post a CFP to a blog. Select “add new post” to do so. Posts will appear on the blog after approval by an RSA administrator (Mon-Fri). Your post should include a title, a description no longer than 250 words, the organizer’s name and email address, and a deadline. Adding tags (key words) to your post will help others find your CFP. Members may subscribe to any of the CFP blogs to be notified when new CFPs are posted. Click on the word Subscribe next to the green checkmark at the top of each blog to subscribe to it.

RSA 2013 Art History sessions blog

For other disciplines and for full details see the RSA San Diego webpage