Barry Humphries has added his voice to those protesting the loss of art history at La Trobe and has kindly allowed us to publish his letter to the Vice Chancellor.

Dear Vice Chancellor,

I am at present in Australia presenting a series of one-man plays which is rumoured to be my last.  While in Melbourne, my home town, I have heard disturbing rumours from La Trobe University that the art history programme may be closed down. I was astonished to hear this, as were a number of distinguished friends of mine in the Arts both here, America and the UK and I would greatly welcome a reassurance from you that this decision is not irreversible.  Considering the quality of our museums now in all major and provincial cities and Australia’s position of high international esteem in the Arts, for a major university to abolish art history would be turning the clock back to an age of barbarism.

At present we live in a culture where sport has moved from the back page of our newspapers to the front page and where school libraries are called resource centres. I am aware that university politics is a brutal and bloody affair and your position must always be a difficult one but I would beg you to get your board, whatever the special interests of its members, to reconsider this drastic and, if I may say so, philistine and retrograde action.

Warmest good wishes,

Barry Humphries