The Landscape Awry

TarraWarra museum glimpsed in the distance from the property's cattleyard

The Landscape Awry is a two day event at TarraWarra Museum of Art and its surrounds. It features installations and presentations by authors, artists and academics about the ways in which we ‘see’ the landscape. The symposium has as its starting point the very terrain upon which the TWMA is built in the Yarra Valley.

The Landscape Awry will explore the diverse ways in which visual artists encounter the land and examine how their representations generate perspectives that are tilted, awry, layered and open. Speakers include authors whose work has touched upon the Australian landscape; researchers who have specific knowledge about the indigenous history of the area; and artists whose work is engaged with the ecologies of the landscape in more general ways.

The symposium will include performative and poetic explorations of the landscape; an attempt to articulate Indigenous conceptions of regional consciousness; and an examination of the extent to which there are possibilities for a dialogue with contemporary visual artists whose practice is profoundly shaped by their encounters with the land.

David Pledger’s mixed media site-specific installation in the cattleyard opens the Symposium. Paul Carter’s video installation The Ladder Awry will be projected on the building’s exterior on the evening of Saturday 13 October 2012.

This symposium has been co-convened by Victoria Lynn, Director, TarraWarra Museum of Art and Professor Nikos Papastergiadis, School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne. The symposium has received support from Tourism Victoria, RACV Club Healesville, and the Research Unit in Public Culture, University of Melbourne.

Date: 13-14th October 2012

Venue: TarraWarra Museum of Art, 311 Healesville–Yarra Glen Rd, Healesville VIC 3777

Cost and Bookings: Booking essential $30 for adults $20 for full time students. Book online at

Contact the museum with any enquiries

Full Program

Saturday 13 October

3.30pm Registration, Lower Carpark, TWMA

4.00pm David Pledger, He Took Us To The Cattleyard

Visitors are invited to walk from the TarraWarra Museum Lower Car Park to the cattleyard. This walk takes approximately 20-30 minutes. A mini-shuttle bus will also be provided. Walking shoes recommended.

5.30pm Refreshments, TarraWarra Museum of Art

6.00pm Richard Flanagan, Readings and Conversation with Nikos Papastergiadis

7.00pm Paul Carter, The Ladder Awry (video installation)

Sunday 14 October

11.00am Victoria Lynn – Introduction

11.30am Jane Lydon

12.15pm Jonathan Jones and Tom Nicholson

1.15pm Lunch is provided

2.15pm Janet Laurence

3.00pm Tony Birch

3.45pm Break

4.00pm Paul Carter, closing comments and reflections

5.00pm concludes