Unlocking the Story Behind Kimberley Rock Art: New Perspectives – Archaeology, chronology and rock art in the north west Kimberley
Dr June Ross
Dr June Ross gives us the next chapter in the story begun by Grahame Walsh when he recognised the significance of the ancient rock art in the Kimberley.
The Change & Continuity project aims to establish a chronology and social context for the production of rock art in the region. The project has involved 23 researchers across a range of disciplines and two Indigenous communities.
Dr June Ross is currently working on three Australian Research Council (ARC) collaborative archaeological research projects across Australia with colleagues from the National Museum and a number of Australian universities. June lectured and taught one of the few rock art courses in Australian universities at University of New England (UNE). She entered rock art studies from a background in art education and completed her Ph.D. at UNE on rock art in the Australian arid zone. June has researched, taught and published extensively on Aboriginal art works and has undertaken fieldwork throughout central and northern Australia.
Date: 6:15pm, Thursday 21 March 2013
Venue: Clemenger BBDO Auditorium, NGV International, 180 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, (enter north entrance, via Arts Centre forecourt)
Bookings: Free but registration essential, email admin@kimberleyfoundation.org.