
Postdoctoral and Research Fellowship Scheme, Griffith University – deadline 13th May 2013

Senior Lecturer/Lecturer in Art Conservation, Northumbria University – deadline 19th April 2013

Lecturer in the history of architecture and archaeology of the islamic middle east, SOAS, University of London – deadline 12th April 2013


Harold White Fellowship, National Library of Australia – deadline 30th Apri 2013

Japanese Studies Fellowships, National Library of Australia – deadline 20th April 2013

Seeing Things: Early Modern Visual and Material Culture, Six-month or 12-month Fellowships to be held from January 2014 to September 2015 (University of Cambridge and University of Southern California)- deadline 16th May 2013

Calls for Papers

Genre, Affect and Authority in Early Modern Europe (1517-1688) (Melbourne, 11-12 July 2013) – deadline extended to 31st March 2013

Textuality, Technology, Materiality In the Medieval and Early Modern World (Perth Nov 2013) – deadline 1st September 2013

Sin and Salvation in Reformation England (Stratford-upon-Avon, June, 2013) – deadline 31st March 2013

Midwest Conference on British Studies (call for Papers and Panels) (Chicago, October, 2013) – deadline April 1st 2013

Future Anterior: Photography and Preservation (journal) – deadline 15th July 2013

Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie VII. Historia del Arte ‘New Accomplices (journal) – deadline 30th June 2013


To advertise a job, funding opportunity or call for papers in these posts please email Katrina Grant  and include title of job/conference etc, deadline and website details or contact email if no website available. Posts usually go out on Thursday and items need to be received by Wednesday to be included.