33rd Annual Conference SE-17 – Society for Interdisciplinary French Seventeenth Century Studies
October 16-18, 2014 University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
Conference Organizer Jean Leclerc, University of Western Ontario jlecler@uwo.ca
Scholars from all disciplines are invited to submit abstracts in French or English (300 words maximum) for presentations relating to the session themes listed below. Please send abstracts by email directly to session chairs by March 7, 2014. Presentations will be of 20 minutes’ duration.
1. Economy and spending / Économie et dépenses
Chair / Présidente de session: Nathalie Freidel Université Wilfrid Laurier nfreidel@wlu.ca
2. Center and margins / Centre et marges
Chair / Président de session: Jean-Vincent Blanchard Swarthmore College jblanch1@swarthmore.edu
3. Old and New France / Ancienne et Nouvelle France
Chair / Présidente de session: Marie-Christine Pioffet York University mpioffet@yorku.ca
4. Spaces and perspectives / Espaces et perspectives
Chair / Président de session: Francis Assaf University of Georgia fassaf@uga.edu
5. Disappearances and endings / Disparitions et fins
Chair / Présidente de session: Charlotte Trinquet University of Central Florida anne-charlotte.trinquet@mail.ucf.edu
6. Dazzling, stunning, sublime / Éblouissement, sidération, sublime
Chair / Président de session: Gilles Declercq Université Sorbonne Nouvelle gilles.declercq@univ-paris3.fr
7. Pedagogy / Pédagogie
Chair / Présidente de session: Sylvaine Guyot Harvard University guyot@fas.harvard.edu
Further information concerning the conference will be available starting in March on the Society’s website http://se17.bowdoin.edu
Download the CFP here (pdf) Call for papers SE17 2014