SGM_Visualisation_SGMelbourneBuildingExternalDay_LowResRose Hiscock will leave her role as Director at the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences in Sydney to take up the inaugural directorship of the new Science Gallery in Melbourne. The Science Gallery Melbourne is the latest museum from the SCience Gallery Network. The first one opened in DUblin in 2008 and it describes itself as

The network apparently has plans to establish Science Galleries in eight cities around the world by 2020, with the first new gallery opening in London in 2017. For more information visit:

From the University of Melbourne (press release here):

Professor Karen Day, Dean of Science at the University of Melbourne underlined the benefits that a Science Gallery Melbourne could bring both to Melbourne and Australia. “Appointing the highly talented Rose Hiscock is the next step in establishing an innovative venue which will add to the cultural and creative richness of Melbourne, and will make a decisive contribution to the vibrant innovation ecosystem rapidly expanding at the University of Melbourne.”

“75 per cent of the fastest growing occupations require STEM subjects, where Australia has worrying gaps in these skills from primary to tertiary education levels. A Science Gallery Melbourne would be a powerful addition towards building Australia’s engagement and literacy in STEM subjects and in providing a creative bridge between art and science (STEAM). We are seeking the partnerships to make this stunning vision a reality,” highlighted Professor Day.

Ms Hiscock said she is honoured to have been chosen to set up Science Gallery Melbourne.

“As a passionate advocate for arts and science, I believe Science Gallery Melbourne will make a profound impact on the ideas and cultural life of the city,” said Ms Hiscock.

“This is the perfect partnership between a prestigious international network, Australia’s number one University and excellence in arts and science.

“Arts and science play a crucial role in shaping our future. I’m looking forward to working with great minds – from Australia and around the world – to bring this exciting new initiative to Melbourne.”