Pieter Hugo, Green Point Common, Cape Town 2013
from the Kin series, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Bowness Family Fund for Contemporary
Photography, 2014
© Pieter Hugo, courtesy Yossi Milo Gallery, New York

Saturday 20 May, 10am – 4.30pm, Clemenger BBDO Auditorium, NGV International

What photography trends are inspiring current photography practice and what can we expect to see in future?

Explore key areas of photography including portraiture, performance and the role of the artist as curator in a series of talks and discussions.


Introduction to NGV Festival of Photography
Susan van Wyk, Senior Curator, Photography, NGV

Eye of the Beholder: The Photographic Portrait (Session One)
Dr Daniel Palmer, Associate Professor, Art Theory Program, Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture, Monash University
David Rosetzky , artist
Susan van Wyk, Senior Curator, Photography, NGV

The Artist as Curator as Artist (Session Two)
Dr Kyla McFarlane, Acting Curatorial Manager, Australian Art, Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art
Patrick Pound, artist
Maggie Finch, Curator, Photography, NGV 

Photography and the Question of Making Visible (Keynote)
Zara Stanhope, Principal Curator, Auckland Art Gallery

Performance and Photography (Session Three)
Prof Anne Marsh, Professorial Research Fellow, Victorian College of the Arts, The University of Melbourne
Stephen Zagala, Senior Curator, Monash Gallery of Art
Ross Coulter, artist
Simon Maidment, Senior Curator, Contemporary Art, NGV

Booking required:$44 M / $55 A / $50 C. Registration from 9am with tea and coffee provided.