Due to high demand, we’re pleased to announce that we will be publishing a second open issue of the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Art in 2018.

Issue 2 for 2018 will be edited by Associate Professor Ann Elias, History and Theory of Contemporary Global Art, and Dr Stephen H. Whiteman, Senior Lecturer in Asian Art, both of the Department of Art History at the University of Sydney.

The editors seek research papers that engage with critical debates and scholarly frameworks across art-historical and theoretical enquiry within local and global contexts, plus review essays evaluating publications and exhibitions. Articles must be between 5,000 and 7,000 words (including endnotes) and should be suitable for a scholarly peer-reviewed journal.

See the ANZJA submission guidelines here for further details. Submissions not conforming to the guidelines will not be considered.

Papers, biographical information and images, should be submitted to the ANZJA Editorial Assistant via ScholarOne.

Journal Aims and Scope
The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art (ANZJA) is published by the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ) with the support of the Power Institute. AAANZ is Australia’s professional body for art and design historians, arts writers, artists, students of art history and theory, and museum professionals. The ANZJA is Australasia’s principal refereed art-history journal. The Journal is dedicated to the study of art history, art practice, theory and exhibition.

Due date

Submissions are due 8 March 2018.