Image: Liew Seng Tat and collaborators, Projek Angkat Rumah, 2010. Photo credit: Gan Siong King.

Public Conversation | Friday 29 June
1–2.30pm, followed by light refreshments

How are contemporary Asian artists and curators of Asian art working in new ways to make art matter to, and resonate with, society today?

Join us for a public conversation inviting diverse perspectives on art and its public significance in rapidly changing cultural contexts in contemporary Asia.

Guest Speakers:

  • Mira Asriningtyas Indonesia
  • Merv Espina Philippines
  • Mark Teh Malaysia
  • Suzann Victor Australia/Singapore
  • Tintin Wulia Indonesia/Australia

In conversation with:

  • Associate Professor Tara McDowellFounding Director, Curatorial Practice, MADA
  • Frances Barrett Independent Curator and Artist, and MADA Postgraduate
  • Dr Michelle Antoinette ARC DECRA Fellow & Lecturer, Art History & Theory, MADA

​For more information on the Conversation and the speakers, visit the MADA website

Lecture Theatre G1.04
Building G, MADA
Monash University
900 Dandenong Road
Caulfield East VIC 3145

Free, all welcome. Please RSVP.

Supported by the Australian Research Council (DE170100455) and Monash Art, Design, and Architecture (MADA) at Monash University.