The ARC Humanities and ANZAMEMS Book Prizes provide a gold open access scheme exclusively tailored to ANZAMEMS members.

The ANZAMEMS–ARC Humanities Award for Original Research is aimed at Early Career Researchers, including those completing their first books, and independent scholars. Where relevant, the winner of the Prize will benefit from ARC Humanities expert advice on converting a PhD thesis to a monograph.

The Prize consists of:

  1. A book contract with ARC Humanities Press, and;
  2. AUD$10,000, which is paid directly by ANZAMEMS to the Press to cover the costs of gold open access.

Entry for the 2022 ANZAMEMS–ARC Humanities Award for Original Research is now open and will close on 31 January 2022.

The selection panel for the 2022 Original Research Award consists of Andrew Brown, Anna Henderson, Megan Cassidy-Welch, Louise D’Arcens, and Susan Broomhall.

More details and eligibility requirements are available here.

Download a copy of the publication proposal form here.

Please send all completed Award proposals to: by the above deadline.

Please direct all queries regarding the Award to:

Past Winners of the ANZAMEMS–ARC Humanities Award for Original Research