Field work, issue 2 of Unlikely – Journal for Creative Arts is out now
Guest editors: Brogan Bunt & Lucas Ihlein

Contributions from: Adva Weinstein, Campbell Drake & Jock Gilbert, Becky Nevin Berger, David Barzier & Kelda Free,  Dominic Redfern, Marnie Badham & Kate Hill & Ted Purves & Susanne Cockrell & Amy Spiers, Laura Fisher, Alinta Krauth, Sean Lowry, Nancy Mauro-Flude, Maria Miranda, Meghan Moe Beitiks, Vanessa Berry, Johanna Hällsten & Catherine Clover & Shauna Laurel Jones.


“Fields”: arenas for action; social discourses; professional areas of practice; knowledge disciplines. Field Trips: tours, excursions, forays. Research trips, adventures, residencies. Working in the forest, in old mining towns, in local suburbs, on farms. Artists placed in corporations, government departments, schools. Ethnographic models, educational models, activist models, scientific models. Field as field. Going for a walk. Site specific work. Community as site. Placemaking. Field Work. This issue of Unlikely explores creative practice beyond the studio.

Read the latest issue here:
About Unlikely – Journal for Creative Arts

Unlikely is a transdisciplinary journal, which aims to open unexpected spaces for artistic exchange and scholarly conversations across mediums, disciplines and continents. An experiment in form, Unlikely engages its audience and contributors in a two-stage process of live event, presenting creative practitioners’ works, followed by peer-reviewed electronic publication.

ISSN  2205-0027